Volunteer poem

Reality Many a complicated reason, Hearts, bleeding every day. Their only possession is hope Limited help along the way
Their journey, a desperate struggle, The road, is paved with fears. Searching for a better life, wading through rivers of tears
This hell on earth that they live in, To leave it, they do not resist. Animals are treated better, Government's ignore they exist.
With donations of food to survive, Contaminated water to drink. World leaders just letting it happen, Ignore them, best option, they think.
The solution, not soon to be found, The causes increase every day. To help, is what should be done, Not stand by and watch them decay
As winter is soon to descend, And disease is sure to spread. Time is running out, Before we bury the dead.
What number the death toll must reach? Before its seen to be wrong? The simplest answer is this, A day is a day to long.
To watch this disaster continue, A disgrace to humanity for sure. It's our responsibility to help, And lessen the pain they endure. #helptherefugees