Who we are
Side by Side is a community of volunteers providing basic humanitarian aid and assistance to those seeking refuge in Europe from war, terror and persecution in their own countries.
Our Mission
Side by Side is a non-political NGO providing first-hand relief to those living in the refugee camps of Calais and Dunkirk. We coordinate the donation and delivery of basic humanitarian aid and help to match volunteers and their skills to the areas they can bring most value. We work alongside other like-minded individuals and organisations both in the UK and across Europe to try and provide refugees and their families with the basic necessities they need to survive and the support they need to rebuild their lives and form communities.
Our history
Side by Side was created by two ‘ordinary’ Essex mums in 2015, in response to the growing refugee crisis in Europe. Like many parents, they watched in horror as thousands risked and lost their lives to escape violence and destruction back home and find a safer life for their family. They saw their own children reflected in the frightened, desperate faces crammed onto boats and in the heart-breaking small body of Alan Kurdî, washed ashore in Turkey, and felt compelled to do whatever they could to help. What began as a simple crowd-funding exercise quickly grew as more and more ordinary people offered their support – and Side by Side is now an amazing community of volunteers brought together by a shared compassion and determination not to let people down in their hour of need.
“And when our children grow up and ask what we did, we want to be able to tell them – we did everything we could.”
- Rachel Hattingh Marshall, Mother and Co-founder of Side by Side.
“This crisis will define our generation. Anything less than 100 per cent commitment won't work. History will judge how we respond over the next few years. Let's not screw it up”
- Katrina Keiffer-Wells, Mother and Co-founder of Side by Side